The Rose City Classic has quickly become my favorite dog show. It hasn't let me down, and this trip is no exception. I travelled to the show with Tryst (my girl) and Jett (Hardy family) with local Lola (Schmidt/Patterson) joining us at the show. I had entered Tryst in the first two days of shows, she only needed a few points to finish her Championship. She did her job winning Best of Winners both days, becoming the first Champion of the FIRST litter. The next two days Jett and Lola were entered. First day was Lola's turn, finishing her Championship with her third major winning Best of Winners!! The final day was just what dreams are made of. First time out as a Champion, Lola smokes it with a Best of Opposite Sex win, and Jett wins Best of Winners.

Lola, Jett and Tryst - Professional Handler Annie Oster

Lola - CH Catori - Saudades First EverAfter - Judge Mrs. Clair K (Kitty) Steidel (Agent- Annie Oster)

Lola - First time out as a Champion wins Best of Opposite Sex! - Judge Ms. Sharol Candace Way

Tryst - CH Catori - Saudades First Forbidden Escape - Judge Mrs. Vicki L Abbott

Jett - Catori - Saudades First Class Jett - Judge Ms. Sharol Candace Way
Photos from the Ring